Oksana Samoylova is literally #goals. She looks gorgeous, she has cute family, she runs some businesses and she travels a lot. Managing all that might be difficult, but she really makes it look easy and works hard to achieve everything she wants.

However, Oksana herself has written many times that when it is time to visit the gym, laziness will kick in and the most difficult part about going to the gym and working out is finding the motivation to do it! I think the most of us can relate to that. It is easy to get motivated for a second and make promises about starting healthy lifestyle tomorrow/next week/next month/next year…, but it is more easier to stay stuck in your old habits and not actually make the change. Luckily, Oksana has shared her own small tips that keep her motivation going.


1) Her favorite: comparing yourself with others. She has admitted that she compares herself with 20 year olds, who hasn’t given birth yet, because she doesn’t want to look like she’s wearing a sticker on her forehead that says “mother of three children”… Just make sure that comparing yourself with other women leads you to take action, not to falling down the self-pity hole.

2) The second most effective method Oksana uses is watching videos of old grannies, who have great bodies thanks to being active and working out for years. Not only it gives you hope, but you will realize that no matter what is your age, everything is still possible!

3) Oksana is also inspired by knowing what changes working out can make in your body. Active lifestyle shouldn’t be only about getting thinner, and having great abs and big butt, because these things are only the tip of the iceberg. There is much more important benefits of working out and you should definitely learn about them.

4) Knowing that sport is something that doesn’t require any special skills, special knowledge and special abilities, is something that also motivates Oksana. Absolutely everyone can do it and all you need for that is your hands, legs and head. Only thing that is different about people, who do sports, and people, who don’t, is laziness! And laziness is a total rock bottom.
